Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May is a bad month for blogging

Hi folks,

As you may have noticed I haven't had much to say this month. I am still writing, but its been at a slower pace these past few due to other commitments. I think I can still hit my target, but this week I will not be adding to much to my word count--if you know what I mean.

One of those commitments resulted from becoming a member of a website devoted to people who write--and read--Young Adult books:

So I am getting feedback both on Son of Ogres and Rust. I decided to introduce Rust as a YA book since two of the main characters are teenagers. This doesn't necessarily mean this is how I will market my book to agents, but at least it is a possibility.

I am getting some very useful feedback and I hope I am giving some in return. I haven't doing as much on lately... :: Bad James :: ...but there are only so many hours in a day, eh?

Well, I will post more when I have more to say.

Continuing on my write of passage,
James Baron


  1. I'm glad you're getting useful feedback from YAlitchat. It's wonderful. That's how I met the four wonderful ladies I team blog with. I've some of 'Son'. Good stuff. I'll get to 'Rust' when I can. ";-)

  2. Good luck with the new YA venture, James. Sounds great!

  3. Sounds like an interesting site. Hope it brings you lots of new followers. BTW, I love Rust as a title.

  4. James, the new group sounds like a positive thing for you and your book. BRAVO!

    Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!

  5. To Salarsen:

    I have been so focused on other stuff that I feel like I have been away from my Blog and writing in general FOREVER! I hope that you are enjoying the chapters I have published so far, and I am open to any and all feedback on what I have written.


  6. To Lisa:

    I teamed up with Tom and we traded books. His crit was extremely helpful.


  7. To K. M. :

    Except for “Son of Ogres” I am really into the one word titles. I can just picture the font on the cover now!


  8. To Abitosunshine:

    :: looks at the rain outside his window ::

    I could really use some of that sunshine right about now… :-)

